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All about exotic wood floors

Wood flooring from other countries always brings something special to a room. They alone can steal the show with their vibrant colors and distinctive textures.

But their good looks aren't their only advantage! If you are thinking of covering the floor of one or more rooms in your home with an exotic wood, here are a few things to know.

Their advantages

An exotic wood floor automatically brings refinement and elegance. They are also usually very durable and their hardness is incomparable. This type of flooring also has a reputation for being weather resistant and scratch resistant. These floors also look great in all types of decors, but mainly in contemporary or rustic settings.

Here are 6 of the most common exotic woods used in Canadian homes:

1. Guajuvira (ou Hickory brésilien)

This species of wood is grown in Paraguay, Bolivia, Brazil and Argentina. Homeowners love it because it is very resistant to impact and moisture, and also because its contrasting colors - brown, black and natural - provide a dynamic look.

2. Jatoba (ou cerisier brésilien)

This beautiful wood species is grown in Brazil and has a deep red and russet brown color with a slight orange tinge. This floor is perfect for adding a warm note to a room. Very resistant, it can also be installed outside on a terrace or balcony. Interesting fact: it is twice as hard as oak!

3. Cumaru

Also called "Brazilian teak", this wood grows in South America and along the Amazon River. Its reddish-brown color is almost uniform, but with deep reddish-brown veins. It gives decks an exotic, lively and enveloping look. Its advantages: it does not rot and despite exposure to the sun, it does not tarnish.

4. Tigerwood

Directly harvested from the tropical forests of Brazil, this wood has an impressive resistance to humidity. It gets its name from its color: it has an orange center with black streaks. However, after a few months in the sun, it takes on a more intense color, reminiscent of a reddish-brown wood.

5. Sucupira

Sucupira trees are found in South America, the Caribbean and southern Mexico. The floorboards that come from it have a dark brown color with a red background. However, its heart is rather yellow-brown. Its hardness makes it perfect for terraces, but it is also appreciated in houses because of its resistance to shocks.

6. Ipé

Coming straight from Central and South America, Ipe is one of the hardest woods in the world, no less! That's why it's difficult to use it to make sculptures or wooden furniture, because it's hard to work with. This high strength makes it perfect for decks, but it also has its place in our homes.

Since its color is dark (varying from red to brown), it is better not to install it in a small room or a dark place. It is available in different shades:

Tobacco : Its color varies from red to brown.

Lapacho : Its color varies from dark black to brown, sometimes with contrasting stripes.

Lapaccho Sap : Its color is a mixture of yellowish brown with contrasting dark brown and black stripes.

Exotic woods can easily be used for our patios, balconies, decks, stairs and flooring. For flooring advice, visit Deco Surfaces!